The Daily Payout is the amount of pHEX tokens that you earn daily for each T-Share that is secured in your mining contract. This amount fluctuates each day depending on market behaviours. The default amount shown is based on the latest payout and you can change the value to speculate future outcomes.
Mining bonuses are variables used as part of a scaling equation to calculate Effective HEX and T-Shares.
The longer your mining contract, the more HEX you'll earn on your Yield. A bonus of approximately 20% is given for each year of mining, and the bonus for LPB caps at 200% of your Principal amount.
Increasing your Principal amount earns you more Yield. Burning a Principal amount of 75,000,000 HEX earns you a bonus of 5% on your Yield, and the bonus for BPB caps at 10% for 150,000,000 HEX burned. .
Effective HEX is the summation of your Principal + Bonuses, and it is divided by the current T-Share rate of 39,693.6 to calculate your T-Shares. Increasing the length of your mining contract (Longer Pays Better) + Principal amount (Bigger Pays Better) secures more T-Shares and consequently increases your APY.
Calculate your potential earnings based on your own price prediction of pHEX.
DISCLAIMER: Data used on this site is based on HexDailyStats and Coingecko API. Occasionally, the data may be inaccurate or incomplete. Information provided on this site or related channels should not be considered financial advice of any kind.